
In the spirit of continuous learning, decided to build a full facial rig/setup from scratch. I’ve worked with multiple setups and done several correctives, blendshape work, but never done one from zero.
Plenty to learn but having a ton of fun already.
I’m also messing up with arkit, and livelinking maya to drive this setup with my own face, but more on that as I build more fun shapes.
Using GnomonWorkshop class as a foundation for the technical bits, taught by Derrick Sesson, starting with a great scan by my friends over 3DScanStore and obviously studying the work of the authority when it comes to FACS research, Melinda Ozel.

I will re-organize this post once I’m done with the setup and write a proper making off, but for now, this is where current progress is at.


The Queen and her pet

